Gray in wash rack

CTA is a 501(c)3 Organization and our Tax ID # 660869307

Our Impact

Since 2017, CTA has retired, retrained, and rehomed 303 thoroughbreds! 


143 thoroughbreds retired since 2020

Your generous donations are used for:



Transporting horses off our remote island is a unique challenge for CTA, as the only option is by airplane, which accounts for 42% of our budget. But we are committed to ensuring safe and efficient transportation for our equine companions.

Hay 500x500


Our equine friends require a hearty amount of sustenance each month. To keep them healthy and strong, we provide them with nourishing grain and bales of fragrant hay. They sure do love their meals!

Each month our horses eat:
6,000 lbs of feed
250 square bales of hay



Veterinary Care & Rehab

As our beloved equine athletes retire from racing, they require specialized care to maintain their health and recover from the wear and tear of their competitive years. Our team offers a range of treatments, including advanced laser therapy, shockwave therapy, rejuvenating massage, and chiropractic adjustments to ensure they live their best lives in retirement.

Donate Now!

Donations can be conveniently made via PayPal. 

Donate by Check:
Make check payable to:
Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare
P.O. Box 43001 | PMB 372
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 00745
Donate directly to our FIRST BANK Account
# 6708000926
Rehabilitation services for our horses